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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > Sensiscript_RT_Kit > Gendepot/CellCount蓝细胞增殖分析试剂盒,C0100/1000分析/C0100-100
商品编号: C0100-100
品牌: Gen depot
市场价: ¥2040.00
美元价: 1224.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 逆转录试剂盒
公司分类: Sensiscript_RT_Kit
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com
ApplicationCell Proliferation Test
Cytotoxicity Test
This homogeneous assay involves simply adding a single reagent, the CellCount -Blue reagent, to the cell culture and measuring the fluorescence intensity (excitation wavelength = 530-570 nm, emission wavelength = 590-620 nm after an incubation step. The CellCount-Blue reagent, utilizes the redox dye resazurin whichis not fluorescent, but upon reduction by metabolically active cells is converted into a highly fluorescent product (resorufin). Living cells can readily reduce this non-toxic reagent and the resulting increase in fluorescence intensity can be conveniently monitored using a luorescence specturophotometer or plate reader. Nonviable cells have no metabolic capacity and, thus, will not reduce the dye. Therefore, the fluorescence intensity observed in this assay is a true measure of the viable cells. The CellCount-Blue reagent has been optimized for maximum sensitivity, reproducibility and long shelf-life. The homogeneou cell-based assay can be performed in multi-well plates.
The reagent is comparible with all culture media and with all liquid handling systems for high-throughput screening applications in 96-well and 384 -well plates. Appli -cations include cell proliferation, cytotoxicity and apoptosis.
Gendepot我们为您的自定义规模应用提供各种试剂,化合物,设备和树脂。我们的技术和定制的工作流程解决方案有助于扩展和补充生命科学工具提供商和应用市场的产品组合,例如分子诊断,疫苗生产,基于细胞的测定,大规模DNA / RNA纯化等。