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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > Electrophoresis_instrumen > Gendepot/ENDURO 7.10水平电泳,7 x 10 cm凝胶,LE1002/套/LE1002
商品详细Gendepot/ENDURO 7.10水平电泳,7 x 10 cm凝胶,LE1002/套/LE1002
Gendepot/ENDURO 7.10水平电泳,7 x 10 cm凝胶,LE1002/套/LE1002
Gendepot/ENDURO 7.10水平电泳,7 x 10 cm凝胶,LE1002/套/LE1002
商品编号: LE1002
品牌: Gen depot
市场价: ¥7900.00
美元价: 4740.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 电泳仪
公司分类: Electrophoresis_instrumen
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com
Supplied withincludes Gel Tray, three 8 Tooth Combs, Casting Gates, and Loading Guides

ENDUROHorizontal Gel Boxes have been designed for ease of use, safety and durability. A variety of sizes are available, from a mini gel electrophoresis system to a large maxi gel electrophoresis system that can accommodate as many as 450 samples in a single run. A wide range of accessories are available to customize your system, including multichannel compatible gel combs.

The ENDUROgel tanks are molded for leak-proof performance and a long service life. The corrosion resistant platinum electrodes are located in cassettes to protect them during cleaning and provide for easy replacement. The lids fit on the gel boxes in only one direction. A drip ring on the lid recycles condensed buffer and prevents it from dripping directly onto the gel.

Casting gels for the ENDUROsystem is very easy. Simply snap the rubber gates onto the ends if the tray, place the comb in position and pour the gel - no taping is necessary. Slots on the sides of the gel trays hold the combs in place. The two piece combs are designed so that the teeth can be raised or lowered to vary the depth of the well within the gel. The supplied combs are 1.5 mm thick. Combs of other thicknesses are available separately. After the gel has hardened, the combs and gates are removed and the gel and tray placed in the gel box. Loading strips may be placed on the bottom of the gel box to aid in well visualization. Gel trays are UV transparent.

Gendepot我们为您的自定义规模应用提供各种试剂,化合物,设备和树脂。我们的技术和定制的工作流程解决方案有助于扩展和补充生命科学工具提供商和应用市场的产品组合,例如分子诊断,疫苗生产,基于细胞的测定,大规模DNA / RNA纯化等。