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Gendepot/Fine-gel SDS-PAGE Gel Solution (15%), F1503/2X500ml/F1503-100

Ready-to-Use | Fine-gel SDS-PAGE Gel Solution is a TEMED free, ready-to-pour premixed solution of acrylamide, bisacrylamide, buffer, and SDS that enables ultra-fine resolution of protein bands by denaturing PAGE |
No TEMED | This novel formulation requires only the addition of APS |
Gradient Gel Like Seperation | This novel formulation allows separation of a wide range of proteins from 10kDa to 240 kDa on the same mini-gel with less prep work than traditional SDS-PAGE. |
Application | SDS-PAGE Gel |
Fine-gel SDS-PAGE Gel Solution(15%) is a TEMED free, ready-to-pour premixed solution of acrylamide,bisacrylamide, buffer, and SDS that enables ultra-fine resolution of protein bands by denaturing PAGE. This novel formulation requires only the addition of APS and allows separation of proteins from 2kDa to 100 kDa on the same mini-gel with less prep work than traditional SDS-PAGE.
This product provides a superior resolution and a significant time savings, with no need to weigh hazardous acrylamide powder or pour stacking gel separately. The gel is compatible with post-electrophoresis applications such as Western blotting, MALDI analysis, protein sequencing and other downstream applications. It is also suitable for staining with all commonly used dyes such as Coomassie Brilliant Blue, silver stain and fluorescent dyes.
The Fine-gel SDS-PAGE Runnung Buffer(10X) is a unique, optimized running buffer to provide enhanced resolution and decrease running-time compared to traditional gel running buffer. The Fine-gel SDS-PAGE Runnung Buffer(10X) is fully compatible with other general acrylamide solution.