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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > membrane > Gendepot/硝基纯硝化纤维素转移膜,0.22微米,LC7033/8.4厘米x 7厘米,薄片,10/PK/LC7033-070
商品详细Gendepot/硝基纯硝化纤维素转移膜,0.22微米,LC7033/8.4厘米x 7厘米,薄片,10/PK/LC7033-070
Gendepot/硝基纯硝化纤维素转移膜,0.22微米,LC7033/8.4厘米x 7厘米,薄片,10/PK/LC7033-070
Gendepot/硝基纯硝化纤维素转移膜,0.22微米,LC7033/8.4厘米x 7厘米,薄片,10/PK/LC7033-070
商品编号: LC7033-070
品牌: Gen depot
市场价: ¥2100.00
美元价: 1260.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
公司分类: membrane
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com
Pore SizeBoth WestPure PVDF and NitroPure nitrocellulose membranes are commonly available in two different pore sizes, 0.22 and 0.45 um. Membranes with a pore size of 0.22 um are generally recommended for poteins with a molecular weight of less than 15 kDa, while WestPure PVDF 0.45 um membranes are suitable for most Western blotting applications(5 kDa - 400 kDa protein).
Membrane IntegrityPVDF membranes are less fragile than nitrocellulose and generally a better choice for experiments that require stripping and re-probing of the membrane.
Detection MethodWestPure PVDF and NitroPure Nitrocellulose are both well suited for chemiluminescence and fluorescence detection methods, however WestPure PVDF must be used for fluorescence detection to avoid high background resulting from auto fluorescence of standard PVDF membranes. It is recommended that you cut a small sample of membrane and image it both wet and dry, to check for autofluorescence and background.
Transfer BufferTransfer buffer must contain methanol when using nitrocellulose membranes. Although WestPure PVDF membranes must be pre-wetted with methanol, they can be used with methanol-free transfer buffer.
NitroPure Nitrocellulose Transfer Membrane is the membrane of choice for all protein or immunoblotting applications.The high sensitivity of NitroPure Nitrocellulose Transfer Membrane ensures excellent results in all transfers, especially in protein blotting.
Gendepot我们为您的自定义规模应用提供各种试剂,化合物,设备和树脂。我们的技术和定制的工作流程解决方案有助于扩展和补充生命科学工具提供商和应用市场的产品组合,例如分子诊断,疫苗生产,基于细胞的测定,大规模DNA / RNA纯化等。